India’s GHG Emissions Estimates 2005-2013


Phase II Launch


New Delhi


28th September 2017


2005 - 2013

India’s GHG Emissions Estimates 2005-2013

GHG Platform India presented the results and findings of its second phase of estimating GHG emissions at the national and state level from 2005 to 2013. The event was well attended with over 55 participants registering. The Government was also well represented with officials from relevant departments of Madhya Pradesh, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh as well as from Ministry of Environment and Forests and Climate Change at the Centre.

The results and findings of the platform were well received. While most civil society representatives expressed their appreciation for the rigorous and high quality data being placed in the public domain, even the government officials expressed their support for this initiative as a good aspect of quality assurance and quality control to showcase for even the official GHG inventories when being subjected to International Consultations and Analysis.

India's GHG Emissions Estimates 2005-2013

In collaboration with