Industry Sector
The Industry emission estimations follow the IPCC 2006 reporting format. The unit level dataset of the Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) is the prime source of information for estimating industrial energy use emissions. This unit level data was reconciled against (aggregated) national data available from other ministries and departments of the Government of India, and also from other secondary sources of information such as the industry associations. Official India specific (Tier 2) emission factors are used wherever available (mainly coal, lignite and carbonaceous feedstock materials). Separate emission factors are specified for imported coal. Where Tier 2 factors are not available, default IPCC emission factors are used.
This methodology note is an addendum to the detailed methodology document of the last phase. The methodology note addendum and the detailed methodology document are given at the end of this page. The previous methodology documents are under the ‘Resources tab’.
Methodology Note - Industry Sector